
PJL, Inc. provides a wealth of experience in administration/management, construction contract claims preparation/analysis/presentation/negotiation, cpm schedule/delay analysis and related expert witness services.


Experience includes heavy civil public works projects (pipe line/pump station/treatment plant/roads/levees…) as well as vertical construction projects (schools, medical facilities, hotel, museum…) involving various funding sources/jurisdictional authorities.


This knowledge and experience has been recognized by courts, government bodies, professional consultants, syreties and legal counsel, drawing PJL, Inc.’s focus into the construction dispute process, particularly as an expert in project management and construction claims/delay(including cpm scheduling) related issues.


PJL, Inc.’s efforts in these areas has consistently yielded favorable outcomes for its clients.

1. Project Management

Provide detailed design review, review of project manual for adequacy and completeness (and particularly front end documents and bid form to avoid potential unresponsive bids, unbalanced bids or exposure to claims), administrate construction phase to promote timely completion and mitigate claims/damages, assist with project closeout, startup services and turnover to owner.

2. Construction Claims

Provide claims (especially delay related involving cpm schedule/analysis) management for varied clientele (contractors, Owners, A/E’s) consistently yielding (thru extensive cpm knowledge/experience and detailed analysis) very favorable outcomes for clients.

3. CPM Schedule Review Services

Provide review of CPM schedules for technical compliance (industry standards) and compliance with contract requirements (format and content). This process will encourage proper maintenance and discourage schedule manipulation that might provide inaccurate projections (of completion dates as well as potential delays).

4. Construction Claims - Schedule/Delay Analysis

Provide expert assistance to clients in securing equitable adjustment to contract (in pursuit or defense of claims) for impacts of changes, particularly time related impacts (delay, disruption, suspension of work, extended performance time, acceleration…), through detailed review and analysis of cpm schedules and all related record documents (contract documents including plans and specs, change orders, RFIs, RFCs…, daily reports, meeting memoranda, pay applications, general correspondence…) providing accurate, comprehensive and compelling analysis, reporting and testimony in support of same.

5. Expert Witness Service

Provide expert analysis and effective expert reports and testimony reflecting years of experience and technical knowledge related to project design, management, scheduling and cost control, in support of client's position.

6. Surety Action

Establish and assist appropriate action by surety in fulfillment of obligations in most effective and efficient manner (defend against action, tender new completion contractor, takeover and manage completion, or cash settlement) and to assist surety in mitigating losses (including maximum recovery of available contract funds, reasonable settlement/pursuit of all liens/claims, possible recovery from indemnitor…)